Nær að sprengja Ísland en Íran

Ekki allir á Íslandi sem fatta djókið en alla vega, þetta er bara fyndið. 

" If we unleashed Shock and Awe in Reykjavik, we would generously compensate Iceland to the tune of, say, 275 percent of that country's $14 billion 2006 GDP — a mere trifle in our giant federal budget. Furthermore, we would build, at our expense, an exact pre-bombing replica of their pulverized city, albeit with 21stcentury American plumbing and electronics. Could any reasonable people resist such generosity?"

"American companies — such as Halliburton and Bechtel — would be given the customary sole-source federal contracts to (a) rebuild Reykjavik after the Shock and Awe show and (b) build a giant subterranean bomb shelter in the mountain range south of Reykjavik before the show, to shield Iceland's population and art treasures from the exploding ordnance our bombers and ships would deliver."

"So there you have it. By doing Iran, we might just embarrass ourselves once more, as we have by doing Iraq. Why take that chance? A debt-financed bombing of Iceland would (1) modernize that country, (2) (2) create wealth in our economy, (3) demonstrate our military might abroad and (4) be cheaper. It's win-win-win all around."

Þessi maður er prófessor í stjórnmálahagfræði.

mbl.is Nær að sprengja Ísland en Íran
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